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CA Business Portal

Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield of California

Check the CA business portal when quoting Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield groups.

If the group is not active and in good standing with the state, Blue Shield and Anthem will not write the case (includes Ancillary only for Blue Shield). Use this website to download the Statement of Information for Corporations and LLCs.  The State of CA has revised the format of the LLC SOI to state Form LLC 12A must be filed for additional managers.

DE9C Filing Dates Guide

California DE9C Quarterly Wage Report Filing Requirements

The chart below reflects the California filing date requirements for the Quarterly Wage Report Form DE9C. After the end of each quarter, groups are given until the end of the following month to file the DE9C with the state.

Example: The 1st Quarter ends on March 31st. The DE9C can be filed as early as April 1st and must be done by April 30th.


Carrier Acceptance of DE9C Quarterly Wage Reports

he chart below reflects the carriers’ acceptance of the DE9C provided. It is based on the time frame the state allows a group to file their DE9C.

Example: Since the 3rd Quarter DE9C must be filed by the end of October and the 4th Quarter DE9C can be filed as early as the 1st of January, either the 3rd Quarter or 4th Quarter DE9C would be acceptable for a January 1st effective date.or prior.

DE 9c FIling Dates Summary

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