FAQs For Health Net’s national PPO network


We received the following announcement from Health Net

FAQs Available for Health Net PPO Employers and Members with Out-of-State Coverage

As previously announced, effective November 1, 2023, the Cigna Healthcare PPOSM Network1 will replace the First Health network as the provider network outside of California for Health Net PPO plans with out-of-state coverage. In order to help you assist your members in navigating this change, Health Net has created FAQ flyers to answer their questions such as:
  • Do I need to do anything to make this change?
  • If I need assistance, do I call Cigna or Health Net?
  • How do I find a provider?
The Cigna FAQs flyers are available now: Contact your Word & Brown Sales Representative if you have any questions.

1The Cigna Healthcare PPOSM Network refers to the health care providers (doctors, hospitals, specialists) contracted as part of the Cigna Healthcare PPO for Shared Administration.

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